martedì 10 marzo 2015

Interview to Chaucer

Chaucer, the father of the English language, started writing "The Canterbury Tales",the medieval English masterpiece, under the influence of Italian writers of the time.
Let's imagine an interview to him, where he explains his plans and his love for Italy.
Which writers influenced him?

Risultati immagini per chaucer

Good afternoon, sir!
Good afternoon! Please come into my study and have a seat.
A friend of the Duke of Lancaster told me that you have just returned from a long stay in Italy. Can you tell me about it?
Yes, I spent the last eleven months in that sunny land and quite enjoyed it.
What places did you visit?
I arrived in the busy port of Genoa and then made my way down to Tuscany, where I visited Pisa and Florence….splendid cities! I came into contact with the works of Italian poets such as Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarch.
What is your impression of these Italian poets?
I am very impressed with their works, particularly Boccaccio’s Decameron—quite a brilliant collection of stories! I am particularly interested in Dante who wrote in the vernacular—the common language of the people.
Oh, really?
Yes, Dante established Italian as a language to write poetry in, and I am thinking about doing the same with English. After all, the majority of our people speak English every day—not Latin or French!
That would really be innovative! Do you have a title in mind?
I have been seriously thinking about calling this work…
 The Canterbury Tales!
May I wish you the best of luck on this new project?
Thank you!

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