martedì 18 settembre 2018

video tutorial to use Voki

Hello everybody,

here you will find a tutorian video to use Voki, the site which allows you to create an Avatar with
your appearance and who can speak!!! Have fun , create one and publish it on the site

Enjoy yourselves!!

domenica 11 marzo 2018

Virginia Woolf

Why should we read Virginia Woolf? Can you find an answer?

Virginia Woolf's biography

 Virginia's last letter to her husband before her suicide

                                                                  Virginia's suicide

Oscar Wilde

Write ten Top Notes about "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

                    Watch  the trailers of the latest movie about the famous novel:


"Love that dare not speak its name"
During his trial for homosexuality Oscar Wilde declares his right to love whoever he wants,
one of the most moving declarations of love .


James Joyce

Why read James Joyce? Watch this video and write the answer...

Watch this video about Joyce's Stream of Consciousness 
(similar to Svevo's Flusso di coscienza)

                                                   Here is Joyce's biography


domenica 22 gennaio 2017


The European Union  lived great changes in 2016, after the Brexit and the election of Donald
Trump as the 45th American president. Read this article about what happened.

Protectionism and closure of frontiers are real dangers to the traditional European
principles of free circulation and free market.This article explains what Mr Trump's
plans are.

The EU has taken measurements to resolve the phenomenon of immigration, so hard both
for Europe and African countries, read this article:


Queen Elizabeth !

            Read this interesting BBC site about Elizabeth 1's life


        Surf the website of the National Portrait Gallery in London and
analyze portraits 1 -4 ; what do the objects contained in them represent?


Many movies were shot about her life, this video is from "Elizabeth" (1998) with Cate Blanchett as
Elizabeth; it depicts the first years of her reign.


venerdì 20 gennaio 2017

Apocalypse now

What is colonialism?

How bis was the British Empire?

Watch the trailer of Coppola's movie about the Vietnam War, based on Conrad's novel "Heart of darkness"


And finally watch Kurtz's monologue about "the horror" of war.